non-invasive therapy for chronic pain
Dana Sterling reeducation session
non-invasive therapy for chronic pain
SST Interior
professional therapist at sterling structural therapy

Shari Flatt

Structural therapy does not begin to describe this work. Over the years I have tried many various therapeutic modalities and have never has the privilege of therapists as highly educated as the Sterling Structural Therapy team.

I have referred them numerous times to my friends whom have all greatly benefited from their knowledge and expertise. There is no “group think” at SST. Each session is customized for the individual. For strengthening or physical problems, I can promise you, you won’t be sorry you came to Sterling Structural Therapy.

More Success Stories

Zoila Ramirez, Oregon USA

I have been dealing with extreme unbearable pain, back spasms, bulged discs, Spinal Stenosis, Degenerative [...]