non-invasive therapy for chronic pain
Dana Sterling reeducation session
non-invasive therapy for chronic pain
SST Interior
professional therapist at sterling structural therapy

Ruth Horn, M.D.

Prior to working with Sterling Structural Therapy, I had lumbar back surgery.  Since I have been working with the SST team I have never had pain again.  My posture is improved and I am aware of my body position at all times.  I am a physician and I can truly say that Dana Sterling has earned her MD! She is more knowledgeable than many orthopedic surgeons I know! I am one of their clients and can attest that I no longer have any neck or low back pain from prior athletic injuries.  I highly recommend the Sterling Structural Therapy team.

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Zoila Ramirez, Oregon USA

I have been dealing with extreme unbearable pain, back spasms, bulged discs, Spinal Stenosis, Degenerative [...]